Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Project #3

A Virtual Tour of the Environment

Objective: To use technology to apply knowledge of ecosystems in a virtual tour of across the globe.

Tasks: The student must use Google Earth to design a tour of at least 4 different ecosystems. Each stop on the tour must have at least 2 facts about the area and also include pictures.

Grading: Projects will be graded on the following criteria:

4 Stops: 20 points (5 Points per stop)
Pictures:10 (2 points per stop)
Facts: 10 (2 points per stop)
Presentation: 10 Points

The option of 2 extra credit points will be awarded for creativity or a theme.

The following example is the 7 natural wonders of the world, notice how each if from a different ecosystem.

Come to class prepared to present your virtual tour as well as answer questions about the ecosystem it encompasses.

To see the completed project, view the link below:

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Blog Post #10

This has been an interesting class. I often looked at the assignments and thought of them as just being busy work, but the more time i spent with them, the more valuable the tools I learned became. I feel much more comfortable with the technology and programs we used in class. I feel the most important thing is that I now feel more comfortable with new programs. I now have the knowledge and confidence that I can go to almost any program and teach myself how to use it, whether it is by the use of online tutorials or just trial and error. I feel that if I am current on the technology and classroom aids that my classroom can be enriched with technology and another way for students to learn and master material.

All of my questions seem to have been answered, I had no real outstanding technology questions at the beginning, the class just seemed to answer questions I hadn't even thought of.